St. Michael’s Blood Drives.
Save a Life, Give Blood
Drives Are Held Several Times Each Year
Check Below For Details On Our Next Drive
Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. You can help save lives by joining us for any of our upcoming blood drives. Make a difference in our community and beyond and help ensure blood is on the shelves before it is needed for trauma victims, transplant recipients and those being treated for cancer and sickle cell disease. To make an appointment, click the link above, and don’t forget to download the Red Cross Blood Donor App for easy check in, donor tracking, and more.
October 30th, Halloween Themed Drive!
Make the commitment to donate blood in October and you will get some awesome rewards! Not only will you get a $10 Amazon gift card, and be entered to win one of 3 $5,000 dollar gift cards, but we will have free food, and fun Halloween prizes for you at the event! So click the link right now and sign up to donate!