YOU belong in this family
YOU are embraced by God’s Love
YOU can change the world
YOU belong in this family.
Everyone is welcomed, loved and included in God’s grace. While that may not have been your experience in the past, St. Michael’s is committed to being the change. Whoever you are and wherever your faith life has taken you, St. Michael’s is a safe place to worship, learn and grow in your faith. You have a place at the table here.
YOU are embraced by God's love.
God loves you, and so do we. Black, white, brown, gay, straight, non-binary, married, divorced, single, happy, sad, frightened, angry, believer, doubter, wanderer.
YOU can change the world.
When we say the words “on earth as it is in heaven…” we know that with God’s help we are called to do the work to heal what is broken in Creation. What is your vision? What is your vocation? How can we help?